Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Info update

Well I have meant to tell you guys this for a while, but I just didn't know what to label the new tab *sigh* I still don't, but I guess I shouldn't put it of any longer...

If you understand Russian better than English then you should probably be exited about this, but if you are just a big HMR fan then you should also probably be glad about it... Russian skanleytkomandu will be using our projects to bring HMR's manhwas to the Russian community. If you want more info just click on Other (I couldn't come up with anything better)... it is under Projects

Also the staff section in our blog has been updated ^_^ (I hope it will make it easier for you guys to contact us if you have any questions) I will also be going through our questions and ideas section and erasing some of the really old questions since it has gotten really long.

One more thing... you guys might have noticed the sign in tab above about us... well it's not like we have a sign in for our blog is just if you have a google, twitter or yahoo account you can use that account to follow us and post on our page using your account, but you do not need to do this... it does not affect the links or anything like that.


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